Learn More About Smyrna, GA

A population of 56.3k people, with a median age of 35.2 and a median family income of $76,444, lived in Smyrna, Georgia in 2019. Smyrna, Georgia saw a 0.522% increase in population between 2018 and 2019, from 55,976 to 56,268, and a 3.6% increase in its median household income, from $73,788 to $76,444.

White (Non-Hispanic) (44.2%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (30%), Other (Hispanic) (7.84%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (7.69%), and White (Hispanic) (4.56%) make up the top 5 ethnic groups in Smyrna, Georgia. In Smyrna, Georgia, 0 percent of homes have English as the only language spoken.

In Smyrna, Georgia, 89.8% of the population is an American citizen.

The Fortis College-Smyrna campus is the largest university in Smyrna, Georgia (328 degrees awarded in 2020).

The homeownership rate in Smyrna, Georgia, in 2019 was 55.2%, while the median property value was $284,000. The majority of commuters in Smyrna, Georgia, drove alone to work each day, taking an average of 26.2 minutes. In Smyrna, Georgia, households owned two cars on average.



56.3k people call Smyrna, Georgia home, of which 89.8% are citizens. As of 2019, 17.3% of Smyrna, Georgia residents were foreign-born (9.76k people).

In Smyrna, Georgia, White (non-Hispanic) residents (24.9k) outnumbered persons of all other races and ethnicities by 1.47 times in 2019. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 16.9k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 4.41k Other (Hispanic) people.

Ethnicity and Race

In Smyrna, Georgia, White (non-Hispanic) residents (24.9k) outnumbered persons of all other races and ethnicities by 1.47 times in 2019. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 16.9k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 4.41k Other (Hispanic) people.

In Smyrna, Georgia, 15.2% of the population is Hispanic (8.56k people).

Population Born Abroad

9.76k persons in Smyrna, Georgia were born outside of the country as of 2019, which is greater than the 13.7% national average. In Smyrna, Georgia, 16.3% of residents were foreign-born in 2018, indicating an escalating rate.

By Nativity, Age

The average age of all residents in Smyrna, Georgia, in 2019 was 35.2. With a median age of 34, citizens who were born in the United States were typically younger than those who were born abroad, who had a median age of 41. But the population of Smyrna, Georgia, is aging. The average age of all residents of Smyrna, Georgia, in 2018 was 35.

Worldwide Diversity

Mexico accounted for 246,708 of the foreign-born residents of Georgia in 2019, with India coming in second with 94,981 and Korea coming in third with 42,867.


The percentage of US citizens living in Smyrna, Georgia as of 2019 was 89.8%, which was lower than the 93.4% national average. In Smyrna, Georgia, 90.5% of the population were US citizens in 2018, indicating a declining citizenship rate.


1.22 times more military personnel from the Gulf War (2001-) live in Smyrna, Georgia, than from any other combat.


In Smyrna, Georgia, the average household income is $76,444. Census Tract 312.09 in Smyrna, Georgia, had the highest median household income in 2019 with a value of $149,583, followed by Census Tract 311.12 and Census Tract 311.17 with values of $101,548 and $90,967, respectively.

In Georgia, the average income of men is $1,36 times greater than that of women, who earn $49,410 on average. Georgia's income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.477, which is lower than the US average.

33k individuals are employed in Smyrna, Georgia's economy. The three industries with the highest wages in Smyrna, Georgia are utilities ($185,781), information ($80,187), and management of companies & enterprises ($77,500). The three industries with the largest workforces are professional, scientific, & technical services (4,401 people), retail trade (3,943 people), and health care & social assistance (2,995 people).


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