Learn More About Vinings, GA

Vinings, Georgia had 12.9k residents in 2019 with an average age of 34.7 and a typical family income of $81,973. Vinings, Georgia's population fell from 13,086 to 12,934 between 2018 and 2019, a 1.16% fall, while its median household income increased by 3.29%, from $79,359 to $81,973.

White (Non-Hispanic) (51.6%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (32.2%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (6.49%), Other (Hispanic) (2.95%), and Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (2.83%) make up the top 5 ethnic groups in Vinings, Georgia. In Vinings, Georgia, 0% of households have English as the only language spoken at home.

Americans make up 93.2% of Vinings, Georgia's population.

Vinings, Georgia's median house value in 2019 was $481,000, and 37% of residents were homeowners. The majority of residents of Vinings, Georgia commuted alone by car, and the trip took an average of 23 minutes. In Vinings, Georgia, there were typically two cars per household.



There are 12.9k residents in Vinings, Georgia, of which 93.2% are citizens. 11.7% of Vinings, Georgia citizens were born abroad as of 2019. (1.51k people).

Vinings, Georgia had 1.6 times as many White (Non-Hispanic) residents than any other race or ethnicity in 2019 (6.67k persons). The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups were Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) with 4.16k and 839 persons, respectively.

Ethnicity and Race

Vinings, Georgia had 1.6 times as many White (Non-Hispanic) residents than any other race or ethnicity in 2019 (6.67k persons). The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups were Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) with 4.16k and 839 persons, respectively.

Vinings, Georgia has 6.53% Hispanic residents (845 people).

Population of Foreigners

In comparison to the national average of 13.7%, only 11.7% of Vinings, Georgia citizens (1.51k persons) were born outside of the country as of 2019. Vinings, Georgia had a 12.7% percentage of residents who were foreign-born in 2018, indicating a declining rate.

Age at Birth

All residents of Vinings, Georgia, were 34.7 years old on average in 2019. Citizens of native birth, with a median age of 34, were typically younger than those of foreign birth, having a median age of 40. However, age is increasing in Vinings, Georgia. All residents of Vinings, Georgia, were 34 years old on average in 2018.

Globally Diverse

Mexico accounted for 246,708 of the foreign-born residents of Georgia in 2019. Mexico was followed by India (94,981) and Korea (42,867) in terms of birthplace frequency.


In comparison to the national average of 93.4%, 93.2% of Vinings, Georgia people were citizens as of 2019. Vinings, Georgia had 92.8% of its population identify as US citizens in 2018, a growing trend.


1.4 times more military personnel from the Gulf War (2001-) reside in Vinings, Georgia than from any other combat.


Vinings, Georgia has a $81,973 median household income. Census Tract 312.12 had a value of $184,000 in 2019, followed by Census Tract 312.05 and Census Tract 312.11 with values of $87,910 and $82,330, respectively, for the highest median household income in Vinings, Georgia.

In Georgia, the average income of men is $1,36 more than the average income of women, which is $49,410. Georgia has less income disparity than the rest of the country (as determined by the Gini index), at 0.477.

8.37k persons are employed in the Vinings, Georgia, economy. In Vinings, Georgia, the highest paying industries are finance & insurance ($83,882), professional, scientific, and technical services ($75,389), and wholesale trade ($74,750). The largest industries in the city are professional, scientific, and technical services (1,341 people), educational services (845 people), and accommodation & food services (806 people).


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