9.52k people lived in Fair Oaks, Georgia in 2019, with a median age of 28.2 and a typical household income of $38,832. The population of Fair Oaks, Georgia increased by 3.76% between 2018 and 2019, from 9,173 to 9,518, while its median household income increased by 13.7%, from $34,167 to $38,832.
Other (Hispanic) (31.5%), White (Hispanic) (27.2%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (22.8%), White (Non-Hispanic) (15%), and Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (2.15%) make up the top 5 ethnic groups in Fair Oaks, Georgia. In Fair Oaks, Georgia, 0% of households have English as the only language spoken at home.
Americans make up 70.8% of Fair Oaks, Georgia's population.
Chattahoochee Technical College is one of Fair Oaks, Georgia's biggest universities (4,301 degrees awarded in 2020).
In Fair Oaks, Georgia, the typical home value was $126,000 in 2019 and the homeownership rate was 32.4%. The majority of residents of Fair Oaks, Georgia commuted alone by car, and the trip took an average of 29.6 minutes. In Fair Oaks, Georgia, there were typically two cars per family.
9.52k people call Fair Oaks, Georgia home, of which 70.8% are citizens. In Fair Oaks, Georgia, as of 2019, 36.3% of residents were born abroad (3.45k people).
In Fair Oaks, Georgia, Other (Hispanic) residents (3k persons) outnumbered all other races and ethnicities by 1.16 times in 2019. The next most prevalent ethnic groupings were White (Hispanic), 2.59k, and Black or African American (Non-Hispanic), 2.17k.
In Fair Oaks, Georgia, Other (Hispanic) residents (3k persons) outnumbered all other races and ethnicities by 1.16 times in 2019. The next most prevalent ethnic groupings were White (Hispanic), 2.59k, and Black or African American (Non-Hispanic), 2.17k.
In Fair Oaks, Georgia, 59.8% of the population is Hispanic (5.69k people).
3.45k persons in Fair Oaks, Georgia were born outside of the country as of 2019, which is greater than the 13.7% national average. In Fair Oaks, Georgia, there were 30.4% citizens who were foreign-born in 2018, a growing percentage.
The average age of all residents of Fair Oaks, Georgia, in 2019 was 28.2. Citizens who were born in the country were often younger than those who were born abroad, whose median age was 39. However, the population of Fair Oaks, Georgia, is getting younger. The average age of all residents of Fair Oaks, Georgia, in 2018 was 29.
Mexico accounted for 246,708 of the foreign-born residents of Georgia in 2019, with India coming in second with 94,981 and Korea coming in third with 42,867.
The percentage of US citizens living in Fair Oaks, Georgia as of 2019 was 70.8%, which was lower than the 93.4% national average. In Fair Oaks, Georgia, 75% of the population were US citizens in 2018, indicating a declining citizenship rate.
More military servicemen who participated in the Gulf War (1990s) live in Fair Oaks, Georgia than in any other combat.
In Georgia, the average income of men is $1,36 times greater than that of women, who earn $49,410 on average. Georgia's income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.477, which is lower than the US average.
4.74k people are employed in Fair Oaks, Georgia's economy. Construction (1,576), Retail Trade (492), and Accommodation & Food Services (432) employ the most people in Fair Oaks, Georgia, while Finance & Insurance ($61,083), Finance & Insurance, Real Estate & Rental & Leasing ($53,683), and Real Estate & Rental & Leasing ($53,103) pay the greatest wages.
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