Learn More About Kennesaw, GA

The population of Kennesaw, Georgia, in 2019 was 34k, with a median age of 33.3 and a typical family income of $70,930. The population of Kennesaw, Georgia increased by 0.772% between 2018 and 2019, from 33,700 to 33,960, while its median household income increased by 2.01%, from $69,529 to $70,930.

White (Non-Hispanic) (52.9%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (25%), White (Hispanic) (9.09%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (5.57%), and Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (3.35%) make up Kennesaw, Georgia's top 5 ethnic groupings. In Kennesaw, Georgia, 0 percent of homes have English as the only language spoken there.

In Kennesaw, Georgia, 94% of the population is an American citizen.

Cobb Beauty College Inc. is one of the biggest colleges in N/A. (10 degrees awarded in 2018).

2019 witnessed a $194,800 median home price in Kennesaw, Georgia, and a 62.7% homeownership rate. The majority of commuters in Kennesaw, Georgia, traveled alone to work each day, taking an average of 31.8 minutes. In Kennesaw, Georgia, households owned two cars on average.



34k individuals call Kennesaw, Georgia home, of which 94% are citizens. In 2019, 13.6% of Kennesaw, Georgia residents were foreign-born (4.62k people).

In Kennesaw, Georgia, White (non-Hispanic) citizens outnumbered all other racial and ethnic groups by a factor of 2.11 (18k individuals). The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 8.49k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 3.09k White (Hispanic) inhabitants.

Ethnicity and Race

In Kennesaw, Georgia, White (non-Hispanic) citizens outnumbered all other racial and ethnic groups by a factor of 2.11 (18k individuals). The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 8.49k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 3.09k White (Hispanic) inhabitants.

In Kennesaw, Georgia, 12.3% of the population is Hispanic (4.18k people).

Population Born Abroad

In comparison to the national average of 13.7%, only 13.6% of Kennesaw, Georgia citizens (4.62k persons) were born outside of the country as of 2019. The percentage of citizens who were born outside of the United States in Kennesaw, Georgia, was 13.9% in 2018, indicating a declining trend.

By Nativity, Age

The average age of all residents in Kennesaw, Georgia, in 2019 was 33.3. Citizens who were born domestically had a median age of 31, who were typically younger than those who were born abroad, who had a median age of 43. However, the population of Kennesaw, Georgia, is aging. The average age of all residents of Kennesaw, Georgia, in 2018 was 33.

Worldwide Diversity

Mexico accounted for 246,708 of the foreign-born residents of Georgia in 2019, with India coming in second with 94,981 and Korea coming in third with 42,867.


Kennesaw, Georgia's population was 94% US citizens as of 2019, which is higher than the 93.4% national average. Kennesaw, Georgia has 93.9% US citizens in 2018, indicating that the rate of citizenship has been rising.


1.61 times more military troops from Vietnam than from any other combat reside in Kennesaw, Georgia.


In Kennesaw, Georgia, the average household income is $70,930. Census Tract 302.26 in Kennesaw, Georgia, had the highest median household income in 2019 with a value of $85,264, followed by Census Tract 302.23 and Census Tract 302.15, with values of $76,559 and $75,463 respectively.

In Georgia, the average income of men is $1,36 times greater than that of women, who earn $49,410 on average. Georgia's income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.477, which is lower than the US average.

18.9k persons are employed in Kennesaw, Georgia's economy. Retail Trade (2,530 people), Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (2,430 people), and Health Care & Social Assistance (2,045 people) are the three industries in Kennesaw, Georgia that employ the most people. Management of Companies & Enterprises ($63,403), Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services ($60,748), and Utilities ($54,526) are the three that pay the highest wages.


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