Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, Georgia had 122k residents in 2020 with a median age of 36.5 and a median family income of $46,838, according to census data. Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, Georgia saw population growth from 120,792 to 121,970 between 2019 and 2020, a 0.975% rise, and income growth from $43,664 to $46,838, a 7.27% increase.
Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (83.9%), White (Non-Hispanic) (7.73%), White (Hispanic) (2.32%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (1.63%), and Two+ (Hispanic) (1.4%) make up the top 5 ethnic groups in Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, Georgia.
In the Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA, 7.33% of households reported that their primary shared language was not English. Only the principal self-reported language used by all household members is taken into account here, not the potential multilingual character of households.
In Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, Georgia, 96.9% of the population is a citizen of the United States.
Carver Bible College is one of the biggest colleges in N/A. (23 degrees awarded in 2018).
Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA's median house value in 2020 was $167,600, and the homeownership rate was 43.7%. The majority of residents of Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, Georgia commuted alone by car, and the trip took an average of 32.3 minutes. In Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA, there were typically two automobiles per household.
County of Fulton (Central)
Georgia City (South) Bordering Fulton County (South), Union & Fairburn Cities, Fulton County (East), Atlanta City (Southeast), DeKalb County (South), and Cobb County is PUMA, Georgia (Southeast) Smyrna City PUMA, Douglas County PUMA, Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City PUMA, Clayton County (North)Forest Park City PUMA, and Forest Park City PUMA are all in Georgia.
There are 122k people living in the Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA, of which 96.9% are citizens. In 2020, 4.92% of persons living in Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA were foreign-born (6k people).
Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA has 102k more Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents in 2020 than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups were White (Non-Hispanic), with 9.43k and 2.83k inhabitants respectively.
Spanish (5,587 households), Yoruba, Twi, or Other Languages of Western Africa (727 households), and French (including Cajun) are the most prevalent non-English languages used as the predominant language in homes in Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, Georgia (495 households).
Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA has 102k more Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents in 2020 than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups were White (Non-Hispanic), with 9.43k and 2.83k inhabitants respectively.
Hispanics make up 4.97% of the population in Fulton County (Central) and Atlanta City (South) PUMA, Georgia (6.06k people).
Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA has 4.92% of its 6k residents who were foreign-born as of 2020, which is less than the 13.5% national average. Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA had 4.48% of residents who were foreign-born in 2019, a growing percentage.
Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, Georgia has a 36.5 median age in 2020. With a median age of 36, residents who were born in the United States were typically younger than those who were born abroad, who had a median age of 42. However, the population of Fulton County (Central) and Atlanta City (South) PUMA, Georgia, is aging. The median age of all people living in Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA in 2019 was 36.
Mexico accounted for 1,596 of the foreign-born people of Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA's population in 2020. Mexico was followed by Guatemala with 473 and Jamaica with 346 foreign-born residents each.
Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA people made up 96.9% of the population in 2020, which is higher than the 93.4% national average. Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA had 97.4% of its population who were US citizens in 2019, indicating a declining citizenship rate.
Veterans in the Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA make up a significant portion of the military, 1.64 times more than in any other conflict.
Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, Georgia has a $46,838 median household income. Fulton County (Northeast)Johns Creek City PUMA, GA had the highest Median Household Income in Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA in 2020, with a value of $128,680, followed by Cobb County (Northeast)PUMA, GA and Forsyth CountyPUMA, GA, with values of $118,030 and $112,834 respectively.
In Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA, men earn an average of $57,040, which is 1.13 times more than women's average income of $45,550. Utilizing the Gini index, the income inequality in Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA is 0.433, which is lower than the national average.
54.7k persons are employed in the Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, Georgia's economy. Restaurants & Food Services (5,319 people), Elementary & Secondary Schools (3,744 people), General Medical & Surgical Hospitals, and Specialty (Except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals) Hospitals (2,361 people) are the largest industries in Fulton County (Central)Atlanta City (South) PUMA, GA. The highest paying industries are Securities, commodities, funds, trusts & other financial investments ($111,345), Legal services ($106
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