A total of 16k people lived in Fairburn, Georgia in 2020, with a median age of 27.1 and a typical household income of $55,198. The population of Fairburn, Georgia increased by 4.32% between 2019 and 2020, from 15,295 to 15,956, while its median household income increased by 18%, from $46,785 to $55,198.
Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (74.3%), White (Non-Hispanic) (9.21%), White (Hispanic) (7.55%), Other (Hispanic) (3.42%), and Two+ (Hispanic) (2.36%) make up the top 5 ethnic groups in Fairburn, Georgia
In Fairburn, Georgia, none of the households claimed that their primary shared language was anything other than English. Only the principal self-reported language used by all household members is taken into account here, not the potential multilingual character of households.
In Fairburn, Georgia, 90.7% of the population is an American citizen.
In 2020, Fairburn, Georgia had a median property value of $148,300 and a 47.3% homeownership rate. The majority of residents of Fairburn, Georgia commuted by themselves by car, taking an average of 24.5 minutes. In Fairburn, Georgia, there were typically two cars per family.
16k people call Fairburn, Georgia home, of which 90.7% are citizens. 12.2% of Fairburn, Georgia citizens were born abroad as of the year 2020. (1.95k people).
There were 11.8k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents in Fairburn, Georgia in 2020, which was 8.07 times more than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups were White (Non-Hispanic) with 1.47k and 1.2k inhabitants, respectively.
There were 11.8k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents in Fairburn, Georgia in 2020, which was 8.07 times more than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups were White (Non-Hispanic) with 1.47k and 1.2k inhabitants, respectively.
In Fairburn, Georgia, 14.5% of the population is Hispanic (2.32k people).
1.95k persons in Fairburn, Georgia were born outside of the country as of 2020, which is less than the 13.5% national average. In Fairburn, Georgia, the proportion of people who were born abroad in 2019 was 13.7%, indicating a declining trend.
The average age of all residents in Fairburn, Georgia, in 2020 was 27.1. Citizens who were born in the country were often younger than those who were born abroad, whose median age was 39. However, the population of Fairburn, Georgia, is getting younger. The median age of all residents of Fairburn, Georgia, in 2019 was 29.
Mexico accounted for 234,298 of the foreign-born residents of Georgia in 2020, followed by India (98,606) and Jamaica (44,462) as the most frequent birthplaces.
Citizenship In 2020, 90.7% of Fairburn, Georgia people identified as US citizens, which is less than the 93.4% nationwide average. In Fairburn, Georgia, 88.5% of people identified as US citizens in 2019, indicating a rising citizenship rate.
Gulf War (2001-) veterans make up a significant portion of the military population in Fairburn, Georgia, outnumbering those who participated in any other combat by a factor of 1.62.
Georgia's gender wage disparity is 1.35 times greater for men than for women, who earn $51,276 on average. Georgia's income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.476, which is lower than the US average.
7.36k persons are employed in Fairburn, Georgia's economy. The highest paying industries in Fairburn, Georgia are Educational Services ($65,167), Information ($61,131), and Public Administration ($60,123), and the largest industries there are Transportation & Warehousing (1,440 people), Accommodation & Food Services (965 people), and Manufacturing (639 people).
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