Learn More About Cobb County

With 760k residents and a median age of 37.3, Cobb County, Georgia had a median family income of $79,601. Cobb County, Georgia saw a 0.433 percent rise in population between 2018 and 2019 (from 756,865 to 760,141), and a 0.896 percent gain in median household income (from $78,894 to $79,601).

White (Non-Hispanic) (50.6%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (27.2%), Other (Hispanic) (6.08%), White (Hispanic) (5.55%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) make up Cobb County, Georgia's top 5 ethnic groupings (5.45 percent ). In Cobb County, Georgia, there are no households whose the primary language is something other than English.

Cobb County, Georgia has 91.3% citizens as a population.

The biggest universities in Cobb County, Georgia are Life University (4,301 degrees), Chattahoochee Technical College (4,274 degrees), and Kennesaw State University (7,274 degrees conferred in 2020). (632 degrees).

The homeownership rate in Cobb County, Georgia, in 2019 was 65.7%, while the median property value was $283,300. Cobb County, Georgia's average commute time was 27.8 minutes, and the majority of respondents traveled alone to work. In Cobb County, Georgia, there were typically two cars per family.

Georgia's Bartow County, Cherokee County, Douglas County, Fulton County, and Paulding County are all bordered by Cobb County.



There are 760k people living in Cobb County, Georgia, of which 91.3 percent are citizens. As of 2019, 15.5% of Cobb County, Georgia residents were born overseas (118k people).

Cobb County, Georgia has 385k more White (non-Hispanic) residents in 2019 than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups were Black or African American (Non-Hispanic), with 207k people, and Other (Hispanic), with 46.2k people.

Ethnicity and Race

Cobb County, Georgia has 385k more White (non-Hispanic) residents in 2019 than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups were Black or African American (Non-Hispanic), with 207k people, and Other (Hispanic), with 46.2k people.

Hispanics make up 13.3% of the population in Cobb County, Georgia (101k people)

Population Born Abroad

As of 2019, 118k residents (or 15.5%) of Cobb County, Georgia, were foreign-born, which is more than the 13.7 percent national average. In Cobb County, Georgia, there were 15.4% of people who were born abroad in 2018, an increasing trend.

By Nativity, Age

In Cobb County, Georgia, the median age of the population was 37.3 in 2019. With a median age of 35, Americans who were born in the United States were typically younger than those who were born abroad, who had a median age of 43. However, the population of Cobb County, Georgia, is aging. The average age of all residents of Cobb County, Georgia, in 2018 was 37.

Worldwide Diversity

Mexico accounted for 232,541 of the 232,541 foreign-born residents of Georgia who were born abroad in 2019. India came in second with 103,213 and Vietnam came in third with 52,964.


The percentage of US citizens living in Cobb County, Georgia as of 2019 was 91.3 percent, which is lower than the 93.4 percent national average. Cobb County, Georgia's population was 93.2 percent US citizens in 2018, indicating a declining citizenship rate.


1.16 times more military soldiers from Vietnam served in Cobb County, Georgia, than in any other combat.


Cobb County, Georgia has a median household income of $79,601. In Cobb County, Georgia, Census Tract 312.12 had the highest Median Household Income in 2019 with a value of $184,000, followed by Census Tracts 303.36 and 303.37 with values of $180,536 and $169,188, respectively.

The average income for men in Georgia is $1,36 times greater than the average income for women, which is $50,267. Georgia's income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.473, which is lower than the US average.

Cobb County, Georgia's economy supports 406k jobs. The highest paying industries in Cobb County, Georgia are mining, quarrying, & oil & gas extraction ($180,953), utilities ($106,222), and information ($81,902). The largest industries in Cobb County, Georgia are professional, scientific, & technical services (46,587 people), retail trade (45,588 people), and health care & social assistance (41,803 people).


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